Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Last Days, Last Goodbyes

I have recently been busy.....with alot of things. Over the past 4 weeks, I have helped a friend create a surprise going away dinner for my brother, said my goodbyes to him, baught New Moon on DVD, and then had a week where everyday was mapped out for me as it was the first week of the easter half term. Because of this I haven't been able to post my photo's. But since i'm free now, here are a phew Photo's of the two days which my Brother Christopher Johnson (known as Jono) said his goodbyes and left for his mission in Canada.
On the day of his leaving, we got up early and set out at 2:20am, we traveled for an hour to Birmingham airport. The airport was deserted, no-one was around.
But yet now all we had left was roughly about 3 hours together. We checked him and his suitcase into the flight that he was catching and then took him to the security/departure lounge. But from here we could not go any further. This was it the time where we say our goodbyes. Many tears and laughs were shared and as I saw him walk through security I knew he was going where the lord wanted and wants him to go........

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