Thursday, 26 March 2020

Only Five Years Late...

Originally my plans were to post all of the work I had produced over the three years I spent at university. However, other projects outside of university took up most of my time, effort and focus. Recently, I felt inspired that I was ready to share at least a little something from my years at university but I didn't want to jump straight back into blogging with new material and no explanation. After five years I think this blog and you guys deserved at least that.

Gothic Surrealism
Final Module Project - Photography and Video BA (Hons) Degree

So, for my third and final year at university, we were required to design and create our own experimental and analytical project for one of our final modules. What I loved most about my final year, and particularly this project, was that we had the freedom to do whatever we wanted. For some time I wasn't exactly sure what that might look like or what themes I wanted to present or experiment with. 

To begin with I was very interested in using ideas that best represented fairytales with a realistic, magical fantasy feel. When researching I found various artists that had beautifully achieved that mystical aesthetic that are found within fairytale-like worlds. Annie Leibovitz in particular manages to perfectly capture many Disney animated stories. With a number of collaborations with well known celebrities and cleverly designed character costumes, Leibovitz captured her audience through popularity and identification, whilst managing to re-create those ever familiar fairytale scenes.

Later in my research I became somewhat un-inspired and decided to take a much darker route. I've always been drawn to books or films that convey feelings of unsteadiness. This was clearly evident during my first year as I co-produced a short video titled 'nightmare'. To some people, the idea of the unknown or paranormal behaviour can bring a sense of fear. For me it's quite the opposite. I find it all the more exciting. Christopher Mckenney, a photographer that specialises in 'horror surrealist photography', was exactly the inspiration I needed. His work portrays the paranormal in a very simplistic yet effective way. Other artists in particular Kevin Corrado and Clarence John Laughlin, collectively gave me the driving force for this project.

Naming the project 'Gothic Surrealism' and producing my ten final prints, my time at university came to a close. Do I miss it? No, Do I regret it? Not one bit! My final year was by far my favourite and thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with and truly developing my knowledge and skills. However, I can assure you that I don't miss the deadlines or the nervousness before presenting my work, or the anxieties I felt whilst waiting for my results! I learnt so many things, made what I hope to be lifelong friends and discovered a love for other projects such as making videos. I can remember despising any video work in my first year, and yet now I make video content for YouTube. Funny the paths that life can lead you along.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Has It Really Been 10 Years?

Has It Really Been 10 Years?
'Katie e Johnson Photography' - 10 Year Anniversary

If you're familiar with this page then welcome back. If this is your first time reading my word vomit and checking out my work, then hey it's so lovely to have you here. Over the past few weeks this blog has been undergoing some minor changes and ideally I'm working towards a much more refreshing sophisticated look, if it doesn't look somewhat so already.

Evidently, I did take a break from blogging. A five year break to be exact. What has changed you might ask, well in regards to this blog...nothing. That's part of the very reason I'm back. Though many aspects of my life are very much the same, somethings have changed and probably for the better. I could quote so many wise words from many inspiring individuals that would summarise exactly how I feel and exactly how far I've come. But I won't.

Instead I'm going to quickly fill you in on some of the things I've been up to. After completing three full years of University, I took a five month break from life in general. My sister and I, at the time, had just started a YouTube channel. On top of that I spent most of my time enjoying my freedom catching up on a lot of music, books and films. I then got a job as a Retail Assistant. During which, I was offered a temporary six-week promotion. Accepting the offer, I become a weekday supervisor learning the in's and out's of a high-street business. I was very interested in applying for the position permanently. However I felt in the long run it wasn't for me. It would mean that I would have to sacrifice a lot of what I love. Most importantly my love for photography and my new found love for making video content for YouTube. 

It wasn't until I began making the necessary changes, that I realised the tenth year anniversary for this page was just around the corner. In a moment of realisation I said to myself "Has it really been ten years?" Although it feels like I started this blog yesterday, at the same time I don't think I can grasp how so much has changed. How I've changed. During my first year of college, I remember how excited I was and the anticipation I felt to just start this blog. How time has flown!

In the last five years, I've not only changed as a person but I've grown into someone I hope my seventeen-year-old-self, could be proud of. The world around her wasn't all that perfect and neither is it now. But she sure has walked through fire, fought unseen battles, whilst all the while developing a thicker armour and love for herself.

More notable changes are that of the world. Five years ago the government of The United Kingdom were making preparations for a vote that would entitle its freedom from the E.U. Not realising that the results would take four years to actually make some form of effect. Mean while, the world has lost so many amazing artists, well known stars and incredible people from all over the world. Human hearts that have touched so many, helped so many, now live on in the next. I've experienced this in my own life with the loss of my Uncle to Cancer. A lot of worldly issues and topics have become more popularised, made aware of and despite the controversy, I love it. I love that opinions are being heard and views are being shared. I believe that everyone has a voice. Not everyone needs to agree with that and that's okay.

But the real reason I am back is too shed a little light on the present and a possible future for this page. Originally 'Katie e Johnson Photography' was designed to be, I suppose my little space on the internet for all things photography. I assure you that will not change. As you may already be aware, ten years ago photography to me was nothing more than that of a hobby. Time, changed that. It became something which I enjoyed and developed a true passion for. I am now more than just a BA (Hons) Graduate, a self-employed professional photographer, a YouTuber and a Retail Assistant. I am a woman who is more than just her titles. A woman who is driven on the mindset of never giving up and finding a lesson in all things. With that in mind I do plan to continue my skillset, whether that be professionally or just for the fun of learning. However, what I want for this page is for it to be a space for more than just my photography, a space in which I can showcase all of my art. But only if I feel it is relatable and somewhat complementary to the future I envision for this page. We shall see, but I am very excited to share a little bit more about me.

See all soon! Katie xx

Photo by Claire Johnson