Friday, 24 February 2012


So I'm just sitting here editing photos, whilst munching on some skittles and I don't know what I was thinking but I decided to make a little art with them. I wouldn't actually call it art, more of a edible-art if you get my drift. But any how I decided to take some photos and show you guys, I guess you can tell/see what it depicts.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Well after some experimenting with new gadgets and looking at new things for the revamping of my blog around April-May time. I have added a phew new things already to slowly get the ball rolling for the months a head. You may notice that there is now a Countdown Clock to the right of my blog, and in which it displays how many days, hours, minutes and seconds to when my brother Christopher Johnson will return home from serving a 2 year mission in Canada. So proud of him and really looking forward to his return.

Secondly, You can now follow my blog by email! yes that's right by email. So by typing in your email address into the 'Follow KeJohnsonPhoto's by Email' gadget located on the right side you will receive my most recent updates via email, instantly.

And lastly after so many delightful comments over the past year, from you guys I have added a gadget that will display your testimonials, comments, acknowledgements and any other form of credit. They are all very much appreciated, and the best ones always come at the time when I need the encouragement the most. 

But out of all of the them, that I have received in the 2 years this blog has been running, I have never received such an amazing, thoughtful statement of appreciation towards me and my photography work. This is by 'Klayton Quash' from the Caribbean. Who I have never met and is such a regular viewer of my blog, 

"I really love Katie Johnson's Photography, because you can see how she captures the essence of the beauty of her snaps. The editing part is just amazing, have you guys seen the red flower she's absolutely fantastic!

Katie has a way of bringing out the elegance in the photos she takes, not only her pics are just grand but it takes a person with pure creativity and imagination to do what she does.

I'd say she's a professional in what she does, you could see the time/work she puts out in one photo, not to mention the loads she has.....she's just good I guess! If I had one wish I'd love to meet her.

Really and truly Kay your one in a million at what you do!"

Thanks again Klayton! for sticking with me. It's been a very rough ride and I couldn't begin to tell you how much this statement means to me. 

Coming Soon!
 Winter Wonderland - Sister by Blood, Sister by Love

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Winter Wonderland - Fosse Recreation Ground

Here's a little background information, so you already know that on the 5th of February we had snow but besides the weather it was a Sunday.

Now normally on a Sunday I would get up, have my breakfast, wash my face, brush my teeth squeaky clean and begin getting ready for Church. But because of the weather, around about 6am my mum received a phone call from the bishop stating that church was to be cancelled. This then put me in a position of having nothing to do.

Nothing to do!! you might ask hehehe, well ever since we were little we have had these rules as a family to avoid any day-to-day activities and tasks such as using the computer, laptop, xbox etc. on a Sunday. And well we've all tried to keep within those rules unless there is any serious need to go against them. So I couldn't edit or finish photo's or anything like that so that's why I had nothing to do. 

I would have read a book but as much as I hate the snow and the cold I couldn't resist the need to take some photo's. I had a feeling that this snow wasn't going to hang around forever so immediate action was what I went with. Ringing my best friend up...yeh you guessed it...Katie Ellis, inviting her to join us. Me, Claire and Katie headed out to the Fosse Recreation Ground. 

Whilst taking some photos, I bumped into two girls making a snow man and igloo. After asking for their mother's permission, I quickly took some shots and then we moved over to the play area. Last time I took photos here it was raining and we didn't have umbrella's. But today I was back taking photo's in the snow.

Thursday, 16 February 2012


Photo taken 5th February, first weekend of 2012 to have snow. My sister absolutely loves Glee and hopes that one day she can be part of the theatre industry as she loves to act, sing and dance. She has confidence on stage which I don't think I will ever personally gain and I admire her for that.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Processed + Printed = PUBLISHED!!!

After the completion of my first photography course, you may know that at a later date I recieved my results. Grade 'A'.
That result personally changed the way I felt about myself and my photography. It got me thinking about all the hardwork and sacrifice I had actually put into photography and not only that but my passion for it.

Well one week into the new year (2012). I received information from the OCR exam board that my photography exam pieces had been kept back for a further 6 months. Originally they were due back between November 2011 - January 2012, but that isn't the case. I now won't recieve my work back untill July time as they will be touring colleges and universities around the country representing a solid grade 'A'.

Finishing up at college this year, all students who want or need to go to university have been working to get there applications done. In sending my application off 3 weeks ago I received a letter last Monday that I had been invited to attend an interview at one of the universities I had applied for. Which is AWESOME!! news :)

But what this post is mainly all about happened just last Tuesday when my mother received a phone call from the Leicester Mercury. I was out at the time, so my mum was practically dancing around when I walked through the door. I bet you can imagine :)

Any way the person on the phone basically told my mum that one of my photos I had sent in for a competition would be printed in Wednesday Leicester Mercury. Along side the comment I sent with the photo in bold print. If you picked up a Leicester Mercury on the 1st of February then you might have seen my photo. It's not very big but it was certainly an honour.

But....yes there is a but, I spotted a slight miss quotation on the actually comment I sent into the Leicester Mercury. But I won't point it out, you can judge for yourself as it wasn't a big deal for me personally. I am so happy that after much perseverance and past trials, that Katie e Johnson Photography has finally been noticed and viewed by many people not only in Leicester but across the country. Thank you all again for your time and support it means a great deal :') <3 <3 <3

Below is my image that was chosen 

St Margarets Church 
"With the wintry trees in full bloom and the sky slightly cloudy this created the perfect shot of this historical building. With many ghost stories near by and historical events. I think this building has a peace of Leicester's heart too."
- Katie Johnson

Leicester Mercury Newspaper - Wednesday 1st February 2012

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Last Friday Night

Many things happen on a Friday night, friends and family get together, some people like to go clubbing, some like to drink, some like to be snuggled up with a loved one, some like to be at home chilling watching the T.V. But I know a little chapel in Leicester that likes to hold church activities now and again.

So last year, on the 9th of September I attended an evening full of people cheering on a family that were soon to be moving back to there home country America. Here are some photos from that Last Friday Night!

Taken by Katie Ellis 

Taken by Claire Johnson 

Monday, 6 February 2012

5 years today!

5 years ago this very day and date, me and my family received news that our beloved grandmother/mother had passed away.

It was very ironic that she has passed not only on her birthday, turning the age of 74, but that it was only 3 months later that Hyrum Johnson my cousin was brought into the world. But I'm sure my gran would have loved him all the same.

On the very day of my grandmother passing I personally wasn't to well, having been sick with a cough and a cold over the weekend. I was collected from school by my mother after throwing up in the girls toilets on the monday, I can distinctively remember walking home hand in hand with my mum as she told me the events of that sad dreary day.

Dad hadn't yet received the news at the time, as he was busy at work in several meetings. My uncle and my mum had been trying to contact him all morning, in the event that it was my grans birthday my dad had planned to visit her after work but of course it was too late.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Botanical Gardens

I have been meaning to post these photos since last October. So sorry for the delay.

After editing and finishing off the selected photos, I was ready to post them finally this Tuesday, unfortunately I had a problem with a couple of the images.

On Wednesday after a couple of attempts to load up my internet to access my blog, I gave in and left it till Thursday.

Thursday came and I was to busy to even get onto a computer.

So finally today with perfectly saved images, internet access and a fully operational computer I can finally post the images I have been so longing to share with you guys.

Ok so here is some background info....

Last September was the beginning of a new college year. New course units, camera at the ready and a fresh new start. For photography our assigned project was entirely our own, choosing an area and subject of photography that we could create and develop. After a one to one discussion with my subject tutor, I was given the advice to head out on a visit to The Botanical Gardens in Leicester. Taking my Brand New SLR Camera, my photography partner Katie Wade, and then inviting my sister Claire and my best friend Katie Ellis we set a date and took a visit to the Leicester Botanical Gardens.

During the week the weather wasn't looking so good but when the day came it was perfect for shoot. Experimenting with ideas and just snapping photos of my friends it was a very fun learning experience, not only developing my skills but helping my partner develop her own.

Other Photos from this visit will be posted at a later date, during this time they will be entered as part of my photography course work.  

Coming Soon!
Last Friday Night