Thursday, 9 February 2012

Processed + Printed = PUBLISHED!!!

After the completion of my first photography course, you may know that at a later date I recieved my results. Grade 'A'.
That result personally changed the way I felt about myself and my photography. It got me thinking about all the hardwork and sacrifice I had actually put into photography and not only that but my passion for it.

Well one week into the new year (2012). I received information from the OCR exam board that my photography exam pieces had been kept back for a further 6 months. Originally they were due back between November 2011 - January 2012, but that isn't the case. I now won't recieve my work back untill July time as they will be touring colleges and universities around the country representing a solid grade 'A'.

Finishing up at college this year, all students who want or need to go to university have been working to get there applications done. In sending my application off 3 weeks ago I received a letter last Monday that I had been invited to attend an interview at one of the universities I had applied for. Which is AWESOME!! news :)

But what this post is mainly all about happened just last Tuesday when my mother received a phone call from the Leicester Mercury. I was out at the time, so my mum was practically dancing around when I walked through the door. I bet you can imagine :)

Any way the person on the phone basically told my mum that one of my photos I had sent in for a competition would be printed in Wednesday Leicester Mercury. Along side the comment I sent with the photo in bold print. If you picked up a Leicester Mercury on the 1st of February then you might have seen my photo. It's not very big but it was certainly an honour.

But....yes there is a but, I spotted a slight miss quotation on the actually comment I sent into the Leicester Mercury. But I won't point it out, you can judge for yourself as it wasn't a big deal for me personally. I am so happy that after much perseverance and past trials, that Katie e Johnson Photography has finally been noticed and viewed by many people not only in Leicester but across the country. Thank you all again for your time and support it means a great deal :') <3 <3 <3

Below is my image that was chosen 

St Margarets Church 
"With the wintry trees in full bloom and the sky slightly cloudy this created the perfect shot of this historical building. With many ghost stories near by and historical events. I think this building has a peace of Leicester's heart too."
- Katie Johnson

Leicester Mercury Newspaper - Wednesday 1st February 2012

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