Friday, 21 October 2011

College Course Work Preview

Amongst all the photos I have left to post for you guys, I am also completing work for college too. Balancing my time can be hard, but I'm working my way around both projects. So here is just a little taster to my 'Macro Photography'. To begin with I was just going to base my project around flowers, but then I decided to widen my range giving myself more photos/subjects to work with. I love getting right down to the detail and level of the subject so I guess macro was the right one for me hence the 'eye' photography recently.


Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...


Katie said...

Thank you again Dunc :)

Kovács Miklós said...

Wonderful colours!
Greetings from Hungary!

Katie said...

Thank you very much Kovacs :)